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Emperor's Children
The third legion of the first founding, the Emperor’s Children were one of the chapters to turn to Chaos during the Horus Heresy. Just like their Primarch, Fulgrim, they have a love for flawlessness and excess making them more than suitable followers of Slaanesh, the Chaos God of lust, pleasure and pain. Many members of the chapter have become what have come to be known as Noise Marines, Space Marines with extremely heightened hearing, so much in fact that only the clamour of battle and screams of fear can satisfy them.

The third legion of the first founding, the Emperor’s Children were one of the chapters to turn to Chaos during the Horus Heresy. Just like their Primarch, Fulgrim, they have a love for flawlessness and excess making them more than suitable followers of Slaanesh, the Chaos God of lust, pleasure and pain. Many members of the chapter have become what have come to be known as Noise Marines, Space Marines with extremely heightened hearing, so much in fact that only the clamour of battle and screams of fear can satisfy them.
